Oh toddlerdom! How I love and how I hate thee.
On one hand, I love watching Emory learn and play. His serious infant personality has given way to a little silly, rambunctious, LOUD toddler. Being a toddler is the best example of living life to its fullest that I have ever seen. Laughing is from the belly. Running requires the entire body. Learning is part of everything and it's everywhere. Amazement abounds!
Do you see that face? That's THE ONE. Want to know what he's doing when I see this? Something he shouldn't...and he knows it. This is the face I get when Emory is waiting to see if I'll stop and reprimand what just happened.
To be honest, I see it entirely too much lately. Emory has hit a phase where he throws things when he's frustrated. Granted, I am thankful that he hasn't hit the biting phase that many of my friends' tots are trying to overcome. BUT I have to say that this is beyond annoying most days.
Usually the projectile objects occur immediately following Emory not getting his way. If it's me telling him that there's no more milk, there goes the sippy cup. If it's telling him "careful" when banging a toy on a coffee table, there goes the toy. Sometimes we even get to stroll through Target for diapers. Heavens help us if he sees yogurt bites and I don't have any on hand because the all-important paci is going airborne!
The resulting/impending tantrum face post-throw. |
If at all possible, we have been really intentional about stopping whatever is going on at the moment and correcting this behavior. We always make Emory pick the doomed object up and place it where it belongs, BUT he knows he shouldn't do it in the first place. If he refuses, we pick it up and then place him in time out. This is going strong for almost a month now. Something has to give. Right?
I will say that our son is teaching me a lot about how God feels towards me when I sin. I know I shouldn't do certain things but for some reason I still do. Thankfully, I have a forgiving Father that loves me despite my transgressions (being a parent made this lesson overly clear to me in a way that has been beyond profound).
Here's to correcting our child in a loving way...and praying for the grace to do it without losing my mind. ;-)