Thursday, January 15, 2009

Twas the Season

(Disclaimer: We are very well aware that this comes much too late to actually be considered a Christmas post. There are simply far too few hours in one day as of late.)

This was our Christmas 2008! Enjoy!!!

For her present this year, I took my mom to see Handel's Messiah at the Blumenthal Center in Charlotte. We had a truly wonderful time.

Of course we had to paint our annual ornament. This makes Number Four! Four great years together. Look at that hot man...he's a painting pro!

I have learned that I have a strong love for that gray patch...kind of distinguished looking.

We typically spend Christmas Eve with my family and then Christmas Day with Phillip's family. By the end of it all, we are usually pretty exhausted.

Kasey and Dad seemed to enjoy Guitar Hero (by the way, why are all current holidays lost in the midst of video games?) and then of course Nick, Kandice, and our traditional holiday visit from Heather.

At this point, I was fighting my second round of bronchitis in one month. Yes, I was sick for our anniversary, my birthday, AND Christmas. So please excuse the fatigue-stricken expression.

Of course the "children" got their toys. Mason had his first Christmas this year. As it turns out, we have a very selfish pup. All of the toys (including the cat's) were taken one by one and placed in a neat little pile in his crate. After he had finished "collecting" his gifts, he decided that Gracie and Sassy were not entitled to repo their stolen goods so we had to intervene.

Phillip and I do our Christmas around midnight on Christmas Eve since the traveling commences soon thereafter. We had a really great time just hanging out together without an agenda ahead or rushing to the next house.

Lastly we spent Christmas day in Florence with P's family. I love this picture of Phillip. His mom got him new ski gear. He's such a child around Christmas!

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