Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh the bane of my existence!

So many of my friends have been asking for a belly pic.  I probably would have been much more willing to do so if I was this petite little precious thing waddling around. not.  Most people that I interact with don't even know I'm pregnant.  I just look like I'm fat and gaining more each day.  JOY!

Anyway, one of my friends begged tonight, so alas I'm giving in.  Here I am approximately 5 minutes ago, my mama made me a yummy dinner, I'm all dolled up in my fanciest pjs, and swollen from head to toe (check out my fab double chin).  I'm 30 weeks and 3 days!

The face is just for you, Balie!
Pictured right above my poking belly is my swollen, bulging, throbbing gallbladder.  It is the bane of my existence at the moment.  Not too much longer and I will be bidding it adieu!  Yay!

1 comment:

Emily said...

30 weeks already? Isn't it crazy how fast it goes by?? I do have to tell you, though, that once you his 30 weeks you really start to look pregnant. Every morning I wake up and think "how in the world can it be bigger today than it was yesterday." But on the bright will be *obviously* pregnant. :-) I think you look cute. Who wants to be a bean pole smuggling a basketball? What's the fun in that!?!? Hope you and baby are doing well!