Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Grammie the Great

Prior to having Everhett, I had a few issues with the pregnancy and we weren't sure how the whole birthing process would happen compared to Emory's emergency induction.  So we arranged for Phillip's mom to come up and help with Emory when I went into labor and after we brought the baby home.  At the time, we had no idea how much we would need Grammie.  Linda got here the Tuesday before Everhett's Thursday morning debut...and stayed for seven weeks.  For real!

She helped us through Everhett's unexpected hospital stay.  It was such a comfort knowing that Emory was at home with someone I trusted, especially since the only time I had ever left him was for emergency surgery.  It broke my heart being away from him, but it blessed us beyond words having her at our house with Emory.  Grammie even helped Emory video chat with us while we were gone.  Plus, Emory knows how to wrap those grandparents around his little finger.

Once we returned home, she helped with the transition from one to two babies, made meals, helped clean, babysat the baby so we could have playdates with big brother, etc.  We were sad to see her go, but so thankful for the time she was here!
We missed Christmas in Florence, so she came with gifts.  Emory LOVES this wagon.
First time holding Everhett.
Emory always likes to "help" (thankfully Grammie is patient with his assistance).
So Grammie shopped for a new car to replace this one the whole time she was here.  During the last week, she made the leap. 
Teaching Emory how to drive the new car.
Yay!  Congrats to Grammie!
Funny story: Everhett hit a growth spurt and really started downing some milk.  So one afternoon Phillip got the box with our 8 ounce bottles down from the attic.  We left the bottles on the counter for me to clean when we got back from the pool with Emory.  Grammie stayed home and kept Everhett.  We came back and found this:
In trying to be helpful, she boiled our bottles because that's how they did it when Phillip was little.  She even said she tried to reshape them while they were warm.  We died laughing...and Grammie kindly bought us all new bottles for Everhett.

I thank God for blessing me with a mama's boy as a husband and for his mama being a wonderful mother-in-law!  Thank you for everything, Grammie Harris!


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