Monday, November 29, 2010

Little Bean Update

The day after Thanksgiving we had an appointment set up with my doctor and the ultrasound tech.  I was famished from fasting for almost 18 hours, but we were SO excited to find out what our little bean was.  So, with no further ado...
Phillip is beyond thrilled.  I am quite relieved because we already knew the boy name, the baby's heart beat is great, and it weighs right under what it should at the moment.  According to the pictures, he has long fingers and big lips (like his daddy).  He didn't want us to see his face for a while.  He kept putting his hands up every time the tech tried to get a profile picture of him.  I made my doctor happy by gaining a whole pound over the course of this pregnancy.  :-)  (I am sure Thanksgiving had nothing to do with this.)

Sandra and Steven got into town not long after our appointment and brought TONS of goodies with them, including this big baby foot in a bunch of balloons.

I will post more about our holiday later, but I thought this would be a great way to hold you over!

Thanks for all of the prayers!


Emily said...

Yay! Congrats guys! So glad your little man is doing well! I hope Momma is starting to feel at least a little better.

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHH! So excited! Praise the Lord for this little creation!