Saturday, July 9, 2011

Identity Crisis

There is always a lot of adjusting that goes on in a house after a baby comes home.  Our roost is no exception to this rule.  However, our cat has really taken a turn for the odd.  She has decided that Mason's crate is now her own. 

Seriously, what is she thinking?  Mason could eat her.
Normally, Mason stays in the garage if we crate him but it's been so hot we decided to move it in for a month or so.  He's only in there when we leave the house for extended periods of time, so it's largely vacant.  I suppose this was an open invitation to Sassy.  She jumped right in and took over.  She will literally chase Mason out of his crate if he tries to get in.  Sweet pup is such a softy he just comes over to either Phillip or myself and looks at us with this plea for help.  Oh the chaos!
She has also started drinking his water.  Not her own.  He doesn't like this either.

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