Monday, October 8, 2012

Desperate times...

I am convinced that teething happens during an age most don't remember because it's just too traumatic (for all parties involved).  The other night Emory woke around midnight screaming.  We tried everything to get him back to sleep, but at a certain point all parents recognize the cry of no return.  Pointless.  

So we decided to get him up, try some Orajel, maybe a teething tablet or two and give him a few minutes.  Also, when it comes to Emory, naked toddler is usually always a happy one.  Phillip stripped him down and let him go!  

Here's how we killed some time:

Cutting molars from Kristin Harris on Vimeo.

(...and we realize that we will never win any awards for parents of the year, but we accomplished the goal at hand!) 

Happy (cold) Monday!  


1 comment:

Unknown said...

HILARIOUS! And what are you talking about not being good parents... Good parents love their kids all the time-- even in the middle of the night and on occasion break the bedtime rules. Everybody (me) likes to break the rules sometimes. :)