Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Time!

I have been the world's worst documenting mother lately.  I barely have pictures from September at all.  I have been dying to get out and grab some pumpkins for us to carve.  Something just doesn't feel right about fall without a little orange (and I'm not talking about Clemson orange because heaven knows we've got plenty of that floating around).  

Emory has changed so much over the past year.  It's amazing to look back on pictures from this time last year at a tiny 6 month old and then compare them to the rambunctious 18 month old charging around the house today.  God is good!

This past Saturday we met my friend and her kiddos at a local produce stand.  They had an entire lot of pumpkins.  This, I can assure you, is a toddler's equivalent of paradise. 
Blake was not so keen on having his picture taken.

Emory is all about "helping" right now.  Laundry, putting trash away, checking the mail, closing doors, you name it, he wants to help.  Obviously, pushing his pumpkin around was no exception to that rule.
My handsome boys.
His five minutes were up.  It was time for my sugar!
By the time we got home it was time for Emory to nap.  So we decided to hold off on carving our gems until after church on Sunday.  It's not often that we are all three together during the week, so we make the most of it during the weekends...even if it is doing yard work.  We have LOTS of trees on our half+ acre lot, so October through February is pretty much consumed with keeping the leaf situation under control.  
Ignore the mismatched outfit.  Homeboy destroys some clothes when he's outside, so nothing good goes outdoors.
Emory's trying to comfort his buddy.  This mama can only keep up with so many being when we're out there.
At some point Phillip gave up.  The wind has been crazy around here thanks to Hurricane Sandy and the backpack blower was no match.  So Emory decided to play with leaves in one of the piles.
It was all fun and games until Daddy threw him in the middle.

Paralyzed with fear.  Poor buddy.
Fortunately, a little time flying around the yard heals all wounds.

Love this little guy!  (Ignore my hair.  It is so far past due on some TLC that it ain't even funny!)
Sunday was a crazy busy day.  Normally, we just attend one service at church.  Emory doesn't fair well for 3 hours in the nursery.  We decided to go in early for the 9:30 service to support Tripp Helms as he was visiting with several classes and services.  He's currently running for re-election as a District Court Judge.  Take a look at his website for more information if you are registered to vote in Union County.  He's very involved at his own church, so I'm sure it wasn't easy missing his regular church family.  It was nice to adopt him into ours for a Sunday!  

Emory made it through most of the 9:30 service with us (thanks in large part to some books, apple cinnamon rice cake poppers, grapes, and some organic whole milk).  We can always bank on him doing well during the first part of service.  This kid loves some praise music (and that makes this mama's heart smile).  He claps, he dances (David did it, don't judge), he even squeals.  It's the part where it all ends that's a rough transition.  My dad came and took him to their Sunday school class for the last 30 minutes.  We checked him into the nursery for our Sunday school time, as usual.  He did great!  

I decided to make an attempt to appear at our church's Trunk or Treat this year.  The only issue is that I wasn't sure how I would feel and Phillip always works at night, so Emory had no costume.  Off we went with a tired tot.  Target had a cute little fuzzy bear costume that fit perfectly.  I didn't have time to be picky because I started getting sick, so the selection process became much easier.  After lunch we came home and Phillip got dressed like a mountain man to go out and stake some land.  Emory and I took FULL advantage of the weather and napped.  Had Phillip not opened the garage, I am almost sure Emory would have slept 4 hours (but 3 is nothing to complain about).  

The rest of our evening was spent carving away:
Two down, one to go!  And yes, the one on the left is the most pathetic looking train engine ever.  It's the thought that counts!
Emory pointed and said, "HOT!"  Good, at least we have that covered!
My hubs being...well, my hubs.

2012 editions COMPLETE!
How is Thanksgiving less than a month away?  We're adding another little one in two months!  Crazy how fast time is flying by right now.

Stay safe, stay warm, love Fall!


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