Friday, October 23, 2009

Savannah - Day 4

This is us waiting on our walking tour guide, Savannah Dan. By far, this was the best aspect of our trip. If we ever go back to Savannah, even if it is just for a day, we will be calling Savannah Dan again.
Phillip had a decadent candy apple from a cute shop in City Market.

Meredith, we found a vineyard just for you!
Some of the pretty horses (their smell doesn't match their visual appeal).
Oh precious Paula!
City Hall

This was our little entertainment friend while we were waiting. Completely not afraid of us.
I want this job!
On the other side of this bench is where Forrest Gump was filmed.
This statue is of William Jasper, a brazen crazy man that died after running head first into several battles to regain the colors of his regiment. This eventually landed him six feet under, but it wasn't during the first several times he tried this maneuver.
I forget why this statue was erected, but I know that the middle banner was put on upside down. No one has bothered to correct this error. (Click on picture and you can see the three stars are upside down.)
The Mercer House - scene for the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Jewish temple
Apparently if you paint the ceilings of your porches this sky-blue color wasps won't make their nests there. Interest, yes?
Pretty gate along our tour.
I believe this is the Methodist church. (We saw a lot that day.) It's the neighbor of the Jewish church. They previously shared facilities.
John Wesley's statue
We had dinner here after we told our tour guide that we were surprised by the lack of truly great Southern food we had experienced. He said everywhere else catered to "Yankees" and that we should have dinner here. He was right! So very, very nice and the food was delish, to say the very least.
This is why Savannah is a hazardous city for ladies that enjoy wearing heels. :-)
James Oglethorpe stayed in a tent at this location when establishing the colony. I have no clue why he didn't just check into the Hyatt right behind the bench.

River boats
Tug boat!
Phillip made us sit down just to watch this massive freight carrier come by. It took up the entire River Street view for several moments.

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