Sunday, January 8, 2012

Round 4 = Bigger and Better

In the Harris household we've been passing around some nasty cold/flu like bug since Thanksgiving.  I was positive that some good ole RNR over Christmas break would remedy the problem.  WRONG!  I thought Round 3 was rough, but little did we know that Round 4 would come in with a punch!

Phillip has seemingly missed these last two rounds, but Emory and I are "enjoying" them in full swing.  We haven't left the house all weekend.  Phillip did some yard work yesterday.  I decided that chicken noodle soup wasn't going to cut it, so I pulled myself together long enough to shower and make some chicken n' dumplings.  They are, after all, a Southern girl's signature comfort food.

After dinner, I was in the kitchen cleaning up while Phillip was feeding Emory.  Now, it's no secret that Emory is a reflux baby.  This bug has his tummy all kinds of upset.  He refuses to drink most of the time, so we've been trying to get food and pedialyte to stay down.  Phillip has some kind of reflexes (I would have been covered).  Here's how last night's feeding went:
Do you see that disgusting mess?!  Holy cow!  I ran straight for the bathroom.  Emory definitely had a date with the bath pronto.  Phillip, thank the good Lord, has a stronger stomach than myself.  He did the clean up while I bathed Little Man. 

I think this little plague needs a new home.  Any takers?  (It promises to make your baby nap like a champ.  Emory is currently on a 4 hour run with this one!)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hmm...while I would love a good nap out of Connor I think I will stick with his inconsistent napping over that mess! His regular spit up is enough for me! Hope you guys get rid of it soon!