Saturday, September 8, 2012

August: A Series of Uh-Ohs!

I still have to get back to blogging about the rest of our Savannah trip from July, but I thought a quick rundown of August would suffice for now.  Sweet boy certainly had his fair share of ups and downs.  I'm proud to say that we are learning how to survive parenting the rough and tumble type very well!

First, I started experimenting with art.  I bought Emory these markers months ago.  Our first several attempts with them were less than stellar.  He's slowly coming around.  Sometimes we decorate paper.  Other times we go for the clothes, the face, the high chair, the dogs, you know anything that is grossly inappropriate.  I thought since we were on an art kick that I could give this Pinterest project a go.  Everything seemed pretty harmless: flour, water, food coloring.  What could possibly go wrong?  (P.S. - The potential answers for this question are endless!)
It was all fun and games...
until someone got his hand dirty.  You see, our child has a mild case of his mama's OCD.
I still can't bring myself to throw his first true "artwork" away.  I am thinking that a cute cut out and frame may hold it as a keepsake for Phillip and I to cherish.  It's the small things that remind you how much they've grown in such a short period of time.

Around the same time as mine and Emory's exploration into the world of art was occurring, he and Daddy began a new game all their own.  I "fondly" refer to it as Phillip's daily attempt at killing me via heart attack.  Boys are rough...and wild...and apparently never outgrow this phase!  I'm not accustomed to this in any manner.  I am learning that Emory seldom wants a sweet hug; instead, he much prefers being scared from around the corner and tackled into a tickle coma.  He and Phillip try everything in the books.  Swing upside down.  How high can he go?  Flip over the couch.  Let's hope both feet are there to catch us.  Tackle the dogs?  Thank the Lord they have the patience of Job!  

One particular morning, Phillip was letting Emory stand on the couch to put his hat on.  I wasn't in the room, but Phillip said he stepped back and before any type of intervention could occur my son's forehead had a rendezvous with the corner of our coffee table.  It could be the pregnancy hormones, but I lost it when I saw his little noggin.  We also learned that he isn't compliant when it comes to first aid.  Phillip tried countless times over the next hour to hold ice to his no avail.  I didn't leave the house for several days for fear that anyone who saw us would call DSS immediately.  
Bless him!
Lastly, and certainly not nearly as traumatic as a near concussion, was Emory's new set of sidewalk chalk.  He's never really been into it, but it's a nice chance for us to get outside for a few minutes.  I went shopping and found a pack of 20 Crayola chalks for a whole dollar!  Heck yes!  There are so many more color options than the last pack too. 

Since most of August was spent trying to cut molars and two bottom teeth, we had one fussing little man on our hands more often than not.  Feeding him has been an uphill battle (to say the very least).  Most of the time being outside or playing in the bath does the trick though!  I stripped him down, sprayed him down (gotta love the South and our mosquito plague), and headed out the door!  
At first, I had a captive audience.
Then someone realized that the chalk will shatter into lots of fun pieces if he threw it down hard enough.
Everyone knows that the XY chromosome and destruction go hand in hand!
To hide the evidence of his massacre, Emory decided to try to conceal all of his broken pieces in the grass along the sidewalk.  Mason wanted to help by attempting to eat said evidence.  (These two are a dynamic duo that are certain to wreak havoc in my life for many years to come.)
I'll post about some of our other outings in August once I wrap up July.  I just thought these would amuse you for now!  It's almost Fall and college football is in full swing!!!  Go Tigers!


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