Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emory's Self-Imposed Sweet Potato Famine

SOS!  Precious Em loves him some sweet taters!  I like that they are very healthy AND he's more than willing to eat them.  I'm one of those tricky moms.  You know the types: we sneak in healthy stuff like avocados and spinach into the blend.  He'll eat ANYTHING as long as it's mixed up with sweet potatoes (bananas are a close second). 

Don't be deceived by that sweet little smile!
The problem with this is that we are trying to segway into real finger foods (green peas, beans, steamed carrots, bananas, eggs, toast, etc.).  Emory will take any of the aforementioned long as they are pureed and come with a TON of whole wheat cereal or oatmeal mixed in (reflux solution).

We are having ZERO luck with this finger food deal.  Everything has to be mixed with sweet potatoes in order to be acceptable to our dear son's palate.  Sheesh!  The Irish would slap him (although, I know some of them would have been happy to receive anything other than an Idaho spud ;-P).  I keep plenty of sweet potatoes on hand, and spend quite a bit of time with our Baby Bullet blending them after they have baked.  However, at some point I'd like to enjoy life outside of my kitchen!

Suggestions anyone?  I need to get his little guy to eat, but it needs to be with his hands and SOMETHING other than sweet potatoes.  Help help help!

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