Monday, January 30, 2012

Mini-Vacation = EPIC FAIL

We had scheduled our first sans-baby mini-vacay for our anniversary at the beginning of this past December.  Well, when that time rolled around I just couldn't do it.  I couldn't leave.  I have no idea why.  Emory was 7.5 months old.  He was going to be at our house with his Grammie the whole time.  COULD NOT DO IT.

The resort was really nice and allowed us to change dates.  I've been wanting to visit The Homestead for a long time.  I was so excited about spending a day going to Monticello, playing in the snow, etc.  This time we were going to take Emory with us, so I was positive our problems were gone.  WRONG!

Wednesday afternoon Emory started getting a little stuffy and fussy.  By Friday morning the stuffiness was gone, but THE FUSSY WAS HERE TO STAY!  Phillip and I started talking Friday night (because I still wasn't packed despite having started on Tuesday).  I just couldn't do it.  Something about having Emory here, at home, felt better...safer.  What's wrong with me?  Any place outside of this little house feels like a threatening and incredibly intimidating environment for me to take my baby.

Phillip, fortunately, laughed it off.  Sadly, I was not so amused.  We had paid in full, so we lost the money...and the MUCH needed time away.  We needed to get out this weekend.

Instead we were stuck here with a baby that is a far cry from the one we are accustomed to being around.  Emory is going on Day 5 of this:

Today, we awoke to a baby in the midst of a full blown stomach virus.  I am assuming it came from me because my school has been LOADED with this thing.  Everyone has it.  I didn't think it was possible for Emory to get it because no one in our house had been sick, but alas I was wrong.  :-(

The good news is that the fussy it totally gone.  The pediatrician said that all of the fussing was a precursor to the virus kicking in. We're left with a super cuddly, super pukey baby.  I guess it's a good thing we stayed home after all!

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