Thursday, January 26, 2012

Little Linebacker (9 month stats)

Playing with Poppy's childhood football helmet (circa the 1960s).  :-)
A mother's intuition is a strange thing.  Trusting your instincts when every doctor and many friends/family members don't agree with your decisions is no simple task.  The doctor required a 7 month weigh in to keep an eye on Emory's progress (or lack thereof) in the pudge department.  As you well know, that didn't go so well.

We took him to a pediatric gastroenterologist that requested we take ridiculous measures in feeding Emory.  After a week of misery, we abandoned ship and talked about our options.  I told Phillip that I was completely uncomfortable with the directions we'd be given.  He agreed.  From that point forward, we fed Emory the way we thought was best.  The only thing we didn't change was adding rice to EVERYTHING (as it will weigh down the bottle and food...gravity is our friend).

Emory has always been a long baby.  Currently, he's measuring almost 29.5 inches (90th percentile) in length and his head circumference is in the 75th percentile.  However, here's a rundown on Emory's progress in the weight gain department:
4 months - 14 lbs 11 oz (10th percentile)
6 months - 14 lbs 12 oz (<5th percentile)
7 months - 15 lbs 6 oz (<5th percentile)
8 months - 17 lbs 12 oz (5th percentile)
Now, if you factor those numbers in with his height (which has always been around the 95th percentile) he's not even registering on the charts.  Until...

.....................DRUM ROLL PLEASE..............................

9 months - 21 lbs 0.25 oz (60th percentile)

Holy mackerel!  I was beyond elated.  We switched doctors, so the new pediatrician had an incredibly hard time believing he was ever teeny tiny.  He looked at him, told me the good news, and said he's well on his way to becoming a little linebacker.  Hallelujah!  Thank you Jesus!  (Not to the linebacker part, but the gaining part.)

I was so happy I probably could have cried.  For the first time, I feel like I can breathe a little.  I've been so scared that he'll get sick and lose too much weight.  Now, he's as healthy as an ox!  Our perfect, drooling, chubby, little ox!

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support.  You have no idea how much it means to us!

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