November 4th - This was the day of arguably one of the most historical elections in the history of our great country. It also happened to be the day Tripp won the election for District Court Judge, thus meaning 13 hours in the cold rain at various polling places wasn't all in vain. Admittedly I am selfish in this, but the highlight of my day came at about 9:30 PM when I finally checked my email only to learn that I was accepted to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to pursue my teaching licensure (eventually leading to my MAT).
November 10th - I (Kristin) became one of the most recent victims of our faltering economy and lost my job along with quite a few others. While this was not a complete shock since our firm has been laying employees off for the past year, it still stung quite a bit. Never in my entire life had I found myself with a plethora of free time. Now, with time in abundance, I was going insane. I will say that God is indeed the Master of Provision. Had this happened just a week earlier, I wouldn't have known about school and therefore would have taken it much harder. We are blessed with Phillip's new job and all of my insurance is through his company. I can say that it did provide me a wonderful opportunity to speak with my boss about God's master plan and how He put everything into place (even though we perhaps did not understand it at the moment). As I am not certain where she stands on her faith, but I do hope that she saw God's faithfulness at work that day.
November 11th through 26th - Phillip has been an incredible blessing and essentially spent the weeks following my lay off being a crutch for the girl that doesn't know what to do when she has any type of free time on her hands. We are getting to spend some quality time together in the mornings now that I am home during the same hours as Phillip during the week. I did have quite a few opportunities to do some things around town that I had been missing out on since I tended to work 24/7.
THANKSGIVING - Granted we had so very much to be thankful for this year. There are so many people that are struggling right now with finances, homelessness, marital problems, etc. We spent the day with Kristin's family. Her Uncle Steve, his wife Erika and Cameron (their 3 year old) flew in for a few days and the long-awaited Clemson vs. South Carolina game. We had a great time with them. Cameron is so very enjoyable (and insanely intelligent). Thanksgiving evening Kristin started coughing a lot, eventually this led to a diagnosis of bronchitis a few days later. Thus we didn't travel to South Carolina to spend the rest of the weekend with Phillip's family (we missed them dearly).
November 29th - Essentially the only important thing about this day is that CLEMSON BEAT THE GAMECOCKS!!! Twas a fabulous day and truly a very interesting game. Although, we're not sure how Uncle Steve felt about the game since he did fly here to go to the game and support South Carolina.
So sorry to hear you lost your job, but yay for pursuing your teaching licensure!! I am on the tail end of that journey so good luck to you in that my friend!!
I supported Clemson for that game... just so you're aware... rare occurance I know and it would be typical for me to support USC since Meghan went there and just to irritate P, but I did support Clemson. I was thinking of you :D
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