Sunday, February 15, 2009


That I (Kristin) will be a remotely decent parent despite my OCD tendencies. For any of you that had doubts please meet Emma (2.5 yr old) and my refrigerator!

Emma is our friend Sarah's daughter. They came to spend the weekend with us at the beginning of the month. She seemed to get bored with the Curious George coloring book, so this was my next suggestion. (I have magnetic, dry erase markers on the fridge. I use them to write out our calendar/important dates throughout the month.) Ones' best friend is Goof Off. Love this stuff and it gets the markers right off. (WARNING: highly flammable and can cause burning in the lungs...use after kids go to bed.)

This is progress for me. Typically I would have a heart attack. I quite enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Your Huckleberry said...

that's almost as good as your mom jumping into that pile of wrapping paper!!!