Monday, July 6, 2009

Beach with Kristin's Family

While this is certainly overdue, it's worth mentioning. We spent an extended weekend with my (Kristin's) family in Garden City, SC. My uncle, his wife, and Cameron (my 4 year old cousin) all flew in from California. My grandma came down from upstate South Carolina. It was a very nice trip.

For beach bums, we did a great job at not getting tan! :-)

Cute Cameron and Maw-Maw

Cameron found all sorts of creatures and shells to share with me.

Phillip found a hole. I don' think you are suppose to dig, but you can't tell a country boy that.

Phillip and I went for a drive. He took me to Georgetown. It's a really quaint downtown. This was a quite discomforting reminder that despite the scenery, we were still in South Carolina. Being the loving wife that I am, I made Phillip walk directly in front of me so the alligators could eat him first.

Phillip, my Dad, my Uncle Steve, and Erika all starting finding hermit crabs while were were body boarding. I was the keeper of the crabs. Admittedly, I failed miserably at this job as many waves took me (and the crabs residing on my board) by surprise. Alas, at the day's end, Cameron had more than enough to keep her occupied. All of the shells in the hole are hermit crabs. Kinda creepy little things.

We had a fantastic time!

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