My (Kristin) parents are not far apart in age. My mom turned 50 in July. Dad's birthday is today, December 7th. Both turned 50 this year. We threw Mom a surprise party, but Mom threw Dad for a huge loop with his "surprise."
This is a picture of Mom and Gil, Dad's friend, leading him down the stairs in their garage. He's about to get his birthday present a few days early.
I wish my camera would not have been so blurry, but this is his face when Mom took the blindfold off.
Surveying the goods.
The surprise! This truck, now completely renovated with new paint job, bed liner, engine, transmission, upholstery, and anything else you can think of, was Dad's present. He's had this truck since 1989. It was a year old when they bought it, but it has been to hell and back between now and then. He used it as a work truck for their old businesses, my sisters and I all learned how to drive in it (and subsequently ran it into several buildings, mailboxes, etc.), and he would loan it out to anyone that needed it. It had rust holes, chipped paint, torn seats, the whole nine yards! Mom decided to return it to new. I wish I had pictures during the day because the paint job is great! Dad was so excited!
Thanks to the flash this is a little blurry, but they decided to take it out for a spin. Dad now uses the garage. I have never, in my 25 years of living, known my dad to use any of the 4 garage spots they have. Now he does! (He also asked Phillip if he could start using his truck to hail mulch during the Spring! Haha!)
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