Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Our February

It's amazing how quickly each day seems to pass lately.  I am going to try to do a catch up post about February while nap time is winding down.  
This little guy turned a month old on the 10th!
Emory got to help decorate cookies for the first time on Valentine's Day.
...obviously the word "decorate" in this case is interchangeable with "devour."
Craft time for grandparent cards with a 1 year old is quite interesting.

"I love you THIS MUCH!" hands.  Thank you, Pinterest!
Emory's (and Everhett's although he wasn't allowed out to play) first snow.
Oh the finger paint!
Daddy and Grammie were encouraging the body painting that commenced.
It's all fun and games until someone gets dirty (that's my boy)!
Ummm yes, he is just that delicious.
Along with developing a rather expansive vocabulary (and telling you exactly what he thinks about everything), Emory has grown an opinion about clothing.  Unfortunately, his stylistic sense is lacking a good bit.  He has a toboggan that he insist on wearing everywhere (including to the pool) and with everything.  I literally have to sneak it off at night to wash it.
Heavens help us!  These boys are a handful...and worth every second of it!


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