Monday, November 7, 2011

Emory's Christmas Tree

I realize that I have a lot of blogging to catch up on (finishing Project 31, posting about Halloween, fall happenings, etc.).  I wish I could blame it on laziness, but I just got tired folks!  Starting a teaching job mid-semester is tough stuff.  Teaching and helping with the EC department is exhausting...and I'm only part time! 

Anywho, last year I spent Christmas (and every other holiday for that matter) sick due to our pregnancy.  Totally worth it, don't get me wrong.  However, we didn't even paint our annual Christmas ornament.  It's the first one we've missed since we started dating in 2005!  We'll make an extra one this year.  So I'm making up for lost time and decorating early. 

This is the first year Christmas caught me by surprise.  I had a baby and now all of the sudden it's almost Thanksgiving.  Where did the time go?!  I haven't even listened to a lot of Christmas music (except of course Justin Bieber's new CD...cough, Mere Mere, cough).  First things first, Emory's room.  I've always wanted each of our children to have their own little tree.  I couldn't wait to decorate Emory's.  I searched high and low for ornaments I liked.  Nothing!  Then we went to my home away from home, Target.  Lo and behold, it hit me.  They had the cutest knit ornaments.  These will work for boys or girls.  If he gets these in the future and places it in his mouth, no harm done.  Plus, these ornaments will last him a few years (and be passed down to the other children I am trusting the Lord to provide us)!
Yay!  I love it!  Emory does too.  He bounces when he sees his tree. 
Knit ornaments!  How cute are they!?
This one is my favorite. 
Emory always grabs for this guy, so he gets the "favorite" stamp from Little Man!
 Call me crazy, but I'm starting early this year...and quite possibly every year hereafter.  :-)

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