Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Christmas...after the fact!

Our last post showcased how our immune systems failed us around the holidays.  As it turned out, we weren't alone.  It seemed everyone was either sick or getting over something.  We were trying to quarantine ourselves as best we could to keep everything out prior to the new baby arriving.  

Unfortunately, this was also our first Christmas home.  Every year we travel to Florence to spend Christmas day with Phillip's family.  Since we were two weeks to D-Day and I had been contracting since I was 30 weeks pregnant, my doctor said "no way" to traveling.  

Since my dad had shingles, my mom stopped by to open presents with Emory.  Here some of his craziness:
Every toddler's favorite part of the gift: the packaging.
Emory was on a roll, so he helped unwrap presents for Mama and Daddy.

Nana and Pop got Emory toys that made noise.

Always a winner with Emory is anything with four wheels. 
Oh buddy, has Little Man ever been some kind of busy at his work station.
A few days later, Grammie came up to stay for a while and help with Emory.  Aunt Diane had spent the first portion of the week with us, but she needed to head home.  Fortunately, she was there to witness Emory in all his glory.  
Uncle Jeff and Heather got Emory a Gator.  It now decorates Mama's coffee table (and matches the decor oh so well).
Aunt Nicki made sure Emory looked super dapper in his new Columbia jacket.  He got compliments from people all around downtown Charlotte when he sported it while visiting us at the children's hospital.
Opening all these gifts takes a toll on a boy. 
This was a weekday, so Daddy hadn't been up for long (thus the rough around the edges look).

Grammie needed help moving the BIG present over.  Emory obliged.
YAY for an awesome wagon!!!  Our boys will get plenty of use out of this.

Daddy HAD to put it together and SOMEONE HAD to go for a ride IMMEDIATELY.
Despite not going the way we had planned, we had a truly blessed Christmas celebrating with friends and family.  We hope you all had a wonderfully joyous Christmas!


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