Sunday, January 27, 2013

Oh December! were certainly one to remember!

We began our month celebrating our 5th anniversary, except it wasn't much of a celebration since I was stuck in bed at Aunt Diane's with contractions while Phillip attended a funeral.  We traveled home that night just in case my contractions got worse.  They continued on and off for the next few weeks.  Eventually, (on my birthday) they ended up forcing me in for a hospital visit followed by a stint on bed rest.  
Sweet boy was sure to keep Mama company on bed rest. 
Normally, December is full of traditions and time together.  This year we missed painting our annual ornament, didn't come close to getting Christmas cards mailed out, and even skipped going shopping for Christmas.  After bed rest was over for me, sweet Emory got sick.  Two days later, I got sick.  Three days after that, Phillip followed suit.  All three of us were like the walking dead for at least two weeks.  Emory got a prescription because his little cough was so bad.  Phillip was able to take Mucinex.  Pregnancy severely limited my options.  I was stuck with Halls, Tylenol Cold for nighttime, and nasal spray.  I got better right before I went into labor with Everhett...over three weeks later.  Better late than never though!  
Our "Let's Get Well" arsenal.  Obviously, this didn't work quite as well as we had hoped. 
Precious feet during cuddle time. 
Thankfully, this mama had ordered a lot of Emory's gifts from Amazon in November.  Phillip and I literally got one another nothing.  Ah the life of sick parents!  Fortunately, our little buddy never knew the difference.  Here's some pictures from the days rolling up to and the day of our 2012 Christmas:
Did I mention that Emory is in the midst of toddler tantrums?  Oh yes!
...and this is how you know your pregnancy has confused your toddler.  Oh hyperemesis, how I loathe thee!
Christmas morning:
He marched straight out of his bedroom and sat right on top of his toy chest. It's almost as if he was expecting this all along!
Mama was too lazy to wrap the socks, so they got shoved in Emory's stocking.  He looks thrilled though!

Daddy and Emory were practicing their motor noises. 
Emory LOVES this little Bible.  It's short poems about stories throughout the Bible. 
An essential.
We followed up our morning of fun with a breakfast from Pinterest.  Emory liked it so much that he ended up being covered head to toe with eggs.  I was going to change him.  Phillip decided vacuuming was a much better option.
Next up: Christmas with grandparents, New Years celebration, and of course Everhett's big debut!


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