Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gotta Love a GREAT Man

Not that I'm trying to brag, but I think life changes bring a lot of perspective to one's view of people and outlook on life in general.  Now, I knew Phillip was a good guy before I married him (obviously, I mean I do have the absolute BEST taste).  Our relationship with one another is mainly playful.  Seldom are we able to be serious, but it's so nice to have someone that can make you laugh no matter what obstacles you are facing.

Having fertility problems, bringing a baby into this world, followed by health problems really can test the strength (and patience) of a good partner.  I felt horrible after my surgery for all that Phillip was carrying on his plate.  He lets me be a stay at home mommy to our son, pays all of our bills (ok he makes the money, I write the checks), and still devotes himself to caring for us both if I'm down and out.  I sobbingly apologized to him once he got me home from the hospital and put me in bed.  Phillip is a man of very few words, so he just looked at me and said, "That's what I meant when I said 'for better or worse'."  Then he kissed me, brought Emory in to nap beside me, and went off to work.  Seriously, I don't say it often enough but I have one heck of a husband! 

Here are a few pics of the best husband (and Emory's best daddy) ever:
We were 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant when these were taken.  Emory was born less than 2 weeks later.

Always better when we're together!

Such a sweet hubs!

A natural.

Emory adores his daddy.

He is so in love with our son, which makes me even more in love with him. 
Phillip Harris - Emory and I love you more than words can express!

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