Wednesday, June 22, 2011

These are of a few of our favorite things! (Newborn Edition)

Recently one of my best of friends asked me what Phillip and I absolutely couldn't live without in a day of life with Emory.  She's due to deliver in t-minus one month, so I spoke with Phillip and we came up with our must haves.  I'm not sure that any of you care, nor are we pretending to be the ultimate knowledge in all things newborn, but in case you're interested keep reading!

Picture taken from
We love us some Aveeno products, baby or otherwise.  Both Phillip and I have sensitive skin, so we went out one a limb and registered for Aveeno Baby products.  Emory has done very well with these.  We have tried them all and love them all!

Moby Wrap
We received other carriers, but thus far the Moby Wrap has worked the best for us and for Emory.  And yes, even my 6'3, 240ish pound husband will throw this bad boy on and tote little one around the house.  It works really well during meltdowns when we absolutely have other things that must get done. Oddly enough, it was one of those iffy registry items that I was about to take off.  Thank God I didn't!  (Emory's hand should have been in the wrap, but he was comfy so I let him stay.)  They make a camouflage Moby as well.  I think Phillip may be receiving it as a gift in the near future.  :-)

Pacifier Wipes (Picture from
We all know that every parent differs on their desire to introduce a pacifier.  We personally had no problem with it (especially if it yields a longer duration of sleep for us selfish).  Since Emory does use pacis, we find that these little gems are essential for parents on the go.  Usually we get the Munchkin Arm & Hammer brand (pictured above), but there are several variations.  I can only attest to this particular product because it's what we use the most, but boy do they come in handy!

Diaper Bag Dispenser (Picture from
Show me a parent of a baby in diapers and I will show you someone that will LOVE these!  Seriously, they are a nose's best friend.  I can't count the number of dirty diapers or soiled clothes we've tied up in these things.  LOVE them!

Tubby Towel
I thought this thing was such an odd gift when we got it (thank you Aunt Kandice), but let me tell you how much easier it makes bath time!  Although it doesn't look like it from his facial expression, Emory loves this thing.  It's great, you just throw it over the baby after soaking it in warm water and it keeps them warm while you're bathing.  I have yet to find them elsewhere, but I know Target has them.

Snooze Wrap Swaddle (Picture taken from
Oddly enough, Emory is still sleeping the best when he's swaddled.  However, his best sleep comes in this bad boy.  We have an assortment of other swaddlers that we have utilized, but for some reason he does best in this particular brand and style.  We don't question it, we just thank God for it!  :-)
Gerber Cloth Diapers (Picture from
Don't get me wrong, I love the environment as much as the next person but this mama was not made to wash cloth diapers.  I've told my grandparents (on MANY occasions) that the good Lord knew exactly what He was doing by allowing me to be born in 1983.  I highly doubt I would have reproduced if cloth diapering was a must as it was for their poor souls.  However, it must be said that cloth diapers make the absolute best burp cloths!  I go through so many in a day, but one load later and I'm stocked right back up.  Although I don't use them for their intended purposes, I believe we get just as much bang for our buck!

Playtex Drop-Ins (Picture from
We are fortunate enough to be able to breastfeed.  It saves on money, time with bottle prep, and dishes (call me lazy)!  Not to mention, the added health benefits for our little guy.  However, on the rare occasion that we do need to bottle feed, such as when Daddy lets Mommy sleep in, we use Playtex Drop-Ins.  We don't use the Playtex brand of liners though.  We have found that Target's brand is just as effective and cheaper (even if you use the Playtex coupon).  The bottles can't be beat though!

I can't find a picture of this online and I REFUSE to wake my sleeping child up taking one, but we use the nature function on our pack 'n play sound machine (that is now attached to Emory's crib).  Emory, I believe, was meant to live outside (further proof that I had nothing to do with the creation of this child).  All it takes to pacify him is opening the door and taking one giant step out.  So, during nap and night time we turn on the birds chirping for about 30 minutes.  This usually does the trick and he slips right on off to what we hope is a peaceful slumber.

Comedic Relief (Picture from
Last but most certainly not least, might I recommend the most delightful escape from the insanity of new parenthood in the form of this fabulous work of art.  This endorsement definitely doesn't come from Phillip and will probably go unappreciated by all male species, but take it from me it'll have most women dying from laughter within the first 5 pages.  One of my most fabulous friends and fellow English major, Miss Meredith Robertson (I will shamelessly encourage everyone to visit her blog for further amusement), visited us two weeks after Emory's arrival and included this book in her bag of goodies for us.  I didn't get a chance to pick it up until my surgery.  I seldom laugh out loud at anything I read, but this had me in stitches (figuratively speaking...the surgeon had me in literal ones).  Any new, old, or "not even interested in children" moms should pick this token up, read it, and pass it on.  My copy will be making a trip to Raleigh this very week to bless another precious heart.

We hope you enjoyed this segment of "What the Harrises Can't Live Without."  What are some of your favorite things?

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