Friday, February 18, 2011

Yes Alanis, it is ironic!

I've had plenty of time lately to think about what the coming months and years hold for us.  The more I think, the more apprehensive I become. Why, you might ask, am I troubled?

Well, aside from the fact that we will be embarking on one of the craziest, most wonderfully exciting journeys God could have ever set before us, we are having a boy!  (Yes, I realize this was news to everyone a few months ago.)  We were equipped with a boy name, boy grandparents (everyone seems tired of girls around our place), and most definitely a boy kinda daddy.

Lately, I keep playing the same tired message over and over in my head: "I grew up with all girls, I went to an all female college, and until I met Phillip I never wore jeans."  Upon being informed of the gender of our little bundle of joy, a childhood friend quickly replied, "Who knew prissy girls like you could have boys?"  Valid point.

Phillip is 110% man.  I am 110% woman.  This is great for our marriage, but what happens with parenting?  Sure I have more experience with babies, but he's only going to be a baby for a short period of time.  Then what?  I love sundresses, pearls, and a fabulous pair of shoes.  Boys don't care about things of that nature!  Heck, if not required by law, I doubt Phillip would ever wear clothes.  I think Bambi is precious and cuddly, but my husband thinks that his mom should be around if he's near and that means he can hunt.  Phillip is fully prepared and capable of playing in the mud, working on cars, and making his way around a golf course.  I detest mud, cars baffle me, and golf tends to tick me off around the 8th or 9th hole (at which point I typically find the nearest water hazard and chunk whatever ball I have straight to the bottom where it will rest for eternity).

I've had Alanis Morissette's song stuck in my head all week.  It is ironic after all!  Perhaps this will be a journey in personal growth.  Maybe I need to stretch myself more than Phillip does, but I have a feeling this is going to be one heck of a stretch!

For all of you boy mamas out there - any pointers?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Little boys are so much fun!! You'll be his mama and someone he'll want to spend time with no matter what you're doing. Everything will work out! I am still learning how to let my little boy get dirty......haha.