Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Months and Counting...

How is it possible that our sweet baby boy is almost a year old!?  For some reason the double digit months seem so much closer to non-baby age than those single digit ones.  I am lying here in bed by a sleeping Emory (finally).  There are moments, like this one, where I stop and wish that time would just stand still.  I'd be perfectly happy in this place forever.
This kid is crazy.  So is his hair.

Emory has been so much fun!  Each new milestone is so much better than the last.  Sometimes I believe babies truly are the only gifts that keep on giving.  :-)
How could you not love that face?  P.S. - Check out the belly chub!  Whoot whoot!
So far, we've hit quite a few milestones: first tooth (bottom left), first sign ("more," and he understands "eat" and "drink"), first time standing (although he completely freaks out and cries the second he realizes he's doing it solo), and now he officially waves "bye bye" on command.  He laughs at the weirdest things.  On our trip to SC, we thought we would try the portable DVD player to see if it'd occupy him during the ride.  Rio is a great movie with lots of color for the kiddos.  It's been a hit with Emory from Day 1.  He actually laughed almost every time the blue macaws appeared on the screen.  Phillip and I love the interacting/communicating phase he's going through!
Fear not!  The head tilt is still alive and well.
Food!  Oh heavens at the food this child will eat.  There is no full button on Emory.  He is eating mainly what we eat.  He loves whole wheat pitas.  Bananas are an easy A for us in the food department.  We're still working on the peas and green beans.  He seems to prefer the baby food version over the real deal.  I made a roast with carrots and potatoes in the crock pot this week.  Let's just say that someone believes he can scream at us until we give him as much of that as he pleases.  ;-)  Did I mention that we seem to have turned a corner with the reflux?  Not that it's 100% better, but it has SUBSTANTIALLY decreased in frequency and volume.  Praise the Lord!
His hands are apparently the tastiest morsels as of late. 
Shoe strings are an appropriate meal as well, didn't you know?!
Top it all off with a little giraffe.  Yum!
I will say that teething with Emory is far from fun.  Fussy fussy fussy and absolutely NO sleep.  He is only happy if he's lying between Phillip and myself.  He's becoming much more of a cuddle bug.  Not that the separation anxiety phase is wonderful, but I do have to say that I like being the one he's clinging to instead of turning from.
Ummm yes, he is just that cute. 
Be at one with the drool!
I am so excited for the months and years to come.  This is one journey that I hope I never tire of.  Phillip and I were discussing second children the other night.  It's hard to imagine that anyone, anywhere could ever mean as much to us as Emory does, but I guess that's the power of a parent's just grows and grows.

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