Monday, February 6, 2012

Overfloweth-ing :-)

Heavens to Betsy!  If February doesn't kick our hind ends, nothing will.
We were due to take our rescheduled anniversary trip at the end of January.  I have issues.  Big ones.  I can't leave this house for long trips with Emory.  It's like my little comfort bubble.  I'm ok with visiting family in SC, but the idea of going some place new ... with our baby ... far away from home.  Gasp!  Literally, I break out in hives at the thought.

Suffice it to say, I once again canceled the trip.  No rescheduling.  No refund.  Just out of luck, out the money, and out of ideas.  :-(

As it turns out, this played in our favor (staying at home).  Read this carefully: Emory hit his 9 month growth spurt, cut his first tooth, and caught his first stomach virus ALL AT THE SAME TIME.  That's right!  Not a double whammy, but a triple.  Five of the roughest days we've ever had.
Emory never lets anyone rock him to sleep.  I got to do just that on this particular weekend.  I hate that he was sick, but I love holding him while he sleeps.  Precious lamb.
We decided to head to the park for one of the "not as sick" days.  It's just down the road and it was nice to get out of the house for an hour or so.  Emory loves being outside, but even the greenway didn't appease this fussy little guy for long.  However, we did catch a few cute pics!
One of the few smiles we got out of him. 
Pouty baby

He's so stinkin' cute in his little overalls.
Now, we had to take a trip to Target when the stomach virus kicked into high gear.  The plan was in and out to get Pedialyte.  Unfortunately, the layout designers of our local Target placed the baby section at the back of the store.  There I stood, happily holding my cuddle bug browsing through my options when suddenly a fountain of "the goods" overfloweth.  Straight down my shirt.  Soaking my bra.  Poor Em didn't even lift his head.

Now, I am accustomed to vomit flowing from this child.  He's a reflux baby.  However, there is a HUGE difference in the smell of reflux vom and stomach virus vom.  I can deal with sights, but the smell of certain things will send my stomach into knots in a heartbeat.

What's a girl to do?  I'll tell you what I did.  GOT NEKKID!  No lie.  I purchased the coveted Pedialyte (and have since found a recipe should the urgent need ever arise again), placed my sweet boy in his car seat, got in my car and stripped.  I kept my pants on, but the shirt and bra HAD.TO.GO.  I wrapped up in Emory's blanket just in case a cop was planning on pulling me over for indecent (and it would have been VERY indecent) exposure.  I laughed all the way home...then showered.

To top it all off, Phillip decided that he would follow up Emory's performance with his own rendition.  I love Phillip, but what is it about men that make them such big babies?  He wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink, nothing.  I loaded up on soups, gatorade, jellos, etc.  NOTHING.  Finally, I gave him one of my nausea pills from our pregnancy and some ibuprofen.  Soon enough he was feeling not so queasy and his fever was dropping by the hour.  Yay!
Emory's derriere was air drying while Daddy was feeling all yucky.
I scrubbed and scrubbed our house (literally taking a bucket with hot soapy water to all of our floors on my hands and knees).  Apparently, this virus can stay alive on surfaces for up to a week.  Joy.  The picture above was taken while I was changing sheets.  Emory wasn't a bit concerned about his poor Daddy to the right there.  He was just happy to be naked and free!  So far, we have had no other occurrences.  I hope it stays this way because we have lots of fun coming up:
  • Visiting Phillip's family for the weekend
  • Nana and Pop's 30th Anniversary (Way to go, Idaho!)
  • Valentine's Day (If you are in Union County and need flowers, Emory would like to suggest that you call his Poppy at Monroe Florist 704.283.2623 for all of your Valentine's needs.)
  • Brandy and Ella Kate come for a weekend visit
  • Squishy's bridal shower
  • Then it's March and we're heading to Wilmington to play with Ella Kate in the sand.  Whew!

We hope your February isn't off to a sickly start, but if it is we hope you find a way to laugh about it!


Emily said...

That last picture is too stinkin' cute! I hope everyone in your house is feeling better and stays that way!

justnora said...

Emory is getting too big to fast. Please tell him to stop until I can come visit again!