Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Few of My Favorite (Pregnancy) Things!

I will be the first to admit that this pregnancy has not made me want the house full of little ones that I once dreamed about...or at least I'd rather adopt them than carry them for 9 months.  However on my good days, I find myself (like every other pregnant woman) fixated on certain products of the edible nature.  Sometimes these fixations are enough to keep you awake at night.  Talk about willpower!  Try convincing your pregnant body and the wee-one within that you don't need your tenth glass of orange juice for the night.  Not as easy at it sounds.   

So, I thought I'd entertain you (and document for myself) with some of my fluctuating cravings.  None of these have remained the same throughout pregnancy.  I find that mine change about every trimester.

1.  Cinnamon Disc - I know, sounds weird.  However, I have found that these definitely help with some of my nausea.  My mother-in-law stocked me up with a ton of them the last time we were in SC (thanks Linda)!
2.  Salt & Vinegar Chips - Normally, I try to be nice and keep the pickiness to a minimum, but pregnancy allows no such luxury.  I am quite specific about this.  It MUST be Lays, and on occasion I will accept Pringles as a substitute.  Keep in mind, these are not my preference...they are all Emory's (and my dad likes them too).
3.  Juices - More specifically lots and lots of orange juice.  I am obsessed (and was prior to becoming pregnant) on the Simply line of juices.  Any of them float my boat, but I have been stocking up on some Country Stand, Vitamin D & Calcium fortified, Medium Pulp Simply Orange juice.  Their apple juice is an amazing staple as well.  I also believe quite firmly in their Simply Lemonade with Raspberry.  Delish!  Let's just say this craving, I am positive, will not end when little man arrives.
4.  Apples with Peanut Butter - Preferably Gala (not Royal Gala) or Fuji apples and Simply JIF peanut butter to be exact.  It's a great snack...even at 10 PM.  Since this whole consumption process apparently requires one to eat 24/7, this is a great answer to the problem of night time hunger pains (because mama refuses to get out of her warm bed just to eat).
5.  Snyders of Hanover Pretzel Sticks - They are fabulous.  They have been a life saver over the course of this pregnancy.  When the hyperemesis was in full swing earlier in the pregnancy, this was one of the few things I was occasionally able to keep down.  My love will never die.
6.  Baby Carrots and Veggie Dip - This is another one of those night time snacks that make it possible to survive until the next morning.  We have killed some baby carrots over the past 6+ months.  Plus, the pups enjoy them as a part of their night time snack as well.  :-)
7.  Lima Beans and Mashed Potatoes - I am positive, with almost 100% certainty, that our son will take after his father MUCH more than myself.  I'm ok with this since I'm kinda partial to Mr. Phillip, but good heavens this kid loves some Southern cooking...especially lima beans and mashed potatoes!
8.  Chicken Salad - Not any chicken salad, it has to be my friend's recipe.  Jenni made it one time when we were in Raleigh.  I've been obsessed with it over the past month or so of pregnancy.  Unfortunately, I can't look at, handle, cook, etc. any kind of meat.  Fortunately, I married an insanely hot cook.  He's become a pro!  I can and do eat this stuff on bread, crackers, or lettuce leaves.  It's fabulous.
9.  Post Selects Banana Nut Crunch Cereal - I NEVER eat breakfast.  I dislike anything besides caffeine before noon.  However, since caffeine isn't an option and little man keeps me famished, I have found a secret love (that's not so secret anymore).  It all began with muffins.  (Still love some muffins...any kind.)  I was shopping for Phillip's breakfast cereal and I stumbled upon this.  I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it, and am I ever glad I took that gamble.  FANTASTIC and filling.  I'm addicted.
10.  Trident Sugar Free Original Flavor Gum - This has been another nausea relief trick.  When I'm sick I can't deal with a lot of flavors, but this one doesn't seem to bother me.  Love it AND it's sugar free.
I should insert a HUGE "thank you" to the most wonderful husband in the world.  He has made COUNTLESS runs to the store in the middle of the night for the items above and many more.  All I have to say about Phillip is that God is good!

What were you addicted to during pregnancy?

1 comment:

Emily said...

Orange Juice is my biggest weakness. I literally get up in the middle of the night to drink a glass. We stick to the Tropicana Low Acid (the low acid allows me to drink more of it without getting heartburn). And I'm all for the baby carrots as well. Except I dip mine in peanut butter (JIF creamy). You should try it. Other than that, I crave carbs...of all kinds. Bread, crackers, pasta, cereal, anything. Yum!