Monday, January 10, 2011

Santa Came to South Carolina

***Warning: Lots of pictures in this post!***
This year we decided to spend Christmas with Phillip's family.  My parents were sad because it was the first Christmas we had not seen one another, but I had purchased Meineke Car Care Bowl Game tickets for Phillip the following weekend so we needed to spend some time with his family since we hadn't been down since the end of October.  (I'll post all about our Christmas treat from my parents soon!)

I don't remember a lot of the weekend, it seemed quite busy.  Christmas Eve was when all presents were wrapped.  Phillip's mom and I started the job, but seriously the woman is a female version of Santa Claus.  There is no way all of the gifts she buys (and waits until Christmas Eve to wrap) will ever get covered in paper.  Her son finally started throwing stuff in packaging boxes and taping it with decorating shipping tape on Christmas day.  Love it!  Aunt Diane and I took over wrapping and kept going until 1 AM.  Phillip went with his mom to set up Santa gifts for our nieces Christmas Eve.  They got home super late.  How or why Linda Harris does Christmas this way is beyond my comprehension, but God bless her for it.

We all got together Christmas day at Aunt Diane's.  We had a fabulous dinner before opening gifts.  I wanted a nap more than anything after eating.  :-)  Here are some pics from the evening.
Phillip's dad got to join us this year for the festivities.  We love it when he can make it!
You have to love Taylor.  She was chowing down on come corn. 
Logan opening her gifts from us. 
Lee had Daddy Duty during present opening time.  I don't think he minded.
Sarah's faces are priceless.
Lee was none too pleased with the play make-up we got Emma (don't worry, all of it is little girl clear and sparkly).  We also had the towel you see embroidered and got her this crazy big art set. 
Some of the crew.  Yes, just some. 
The art set.  Disney Fairy art set to be exact.
I think Sarah got this for Logan, but look at that face.  How precious!
Everyone was helping me open.  This, I believe, was a fabulous WillowTree that we got from Aunt Diane.  I am totally in love with it.
Linda got this for Emma; and OH MY HEAVENS, the child ran this thing so much the motor started to smell. 
In case you can't tell, I have a thing for cinnamon discs right now.  Surprisingly, they help a bit with nausea.  My mother-in-law stocked me up for the next 10 pregnancies.
Taylor digging in.  :-)
This has to be one of the best gifts I've received in a long time.  Linda bought me a Sony Reader.  I'm so excited.  Phillip was even impressed by it.  :-)  Thanks Mama Harris!
This is a gift for little Emory.  It reads, "Feed me or I'll snap."  Appropriate.  (I am also looking for a t-shirt in adult female sizes for my friend, Meredith.) 
This is about the time that Lee started to get annoyed with the fabulous weasel. 
 Sarah and I checking out an awesome wrap Linda got me. 
 I am pretty sure Phillip was annoying Emma here. 
I love the faces this kid makes. 
 Aunt Diane finally opened some of her presents. 
My husband lost his Christmas-appropriate closing and gained a whole lot of cast iron.  He loves to cook with cast iron. 
There are no words.  Nor should there ever be words.  Ever.
 She was trying to run from a picture.
 Sadly, I wasn't looking, but I love my nieces.
Such a goof.  
Doesn't he look so happy?  He was tired. 
So he decided to annoy me.
Even though Phillip's eyes aren't open, we hope you all had a fabulous Christmas as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you decide to name the baby Emory????