Saturday, July 16, 2011

Guard Dog

Mason, our rescued from the pound golden, is probably the best dog I've ever seen.  Don't get me wrong, I love my Gracie, but she's rotten.  Mason seems like he knew where he came from and tries every day to make us as happy as possible.  He's the MOST obedient dog. 

He has always been Phillip's dog, but since Emory was born he's kind of taken over as protector of Little Man.  Seriously, if I take our child outside the dog goes to the closest door or window to watch me.  If someone comes to visit Mason will let you hold the baby, but you better like company by your side because he's not leaving that child.  When I'm nursing Emory in his room, Mason has taken up station between us and Emory's crib.  For good measure he will occasionally get up, lick Emory's feet, and lie back down.  Once we put Emory to bed, Mason follows me to our room, climbs under our bed, and begins his nightly patrol. 
Mason's guard post at night...under our bed.
From where he lies, he can see out into our hall, into our master bath, into our guest room, hear the baby over the monitor, and still follow either of us if we get up in the middle of the night.  He's such a good pup!

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