Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Splish Splash

Here's the deal: a few weeks ago Emory decided to hit a growth spurt and cry non-stop.  Being parents, and by that I mean human beings, Phillip and I hit our wits' end trying to appease him.  On a last stitch effort I filled up our garden tub, hopped in, and told Phillip to give me the Screaming One.  He did just that and guess who shut right up?  That's right!  Little man loves some water!

Emory normally naps in the evenings from 5ish to 8ish, wakes up, feeds, plays, takes a bath, feeds again, gets bedtime stories, and goes back to bed between 10 and 11 PM.  Bath time now consist of about an hour of splashing and floating around with Mommy or Daddy.  I debated putting this picture up because I wasn't sure what people would think about us throwing the baby in a tub with us.  However my friend, Jenni, told me, "It's not weird.  It'd be weird if he was 15."  True enough.  Plus, this picture is priceless.  Look at this kid's face!

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