Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Peaches, Familial Influences, and Personal Flare

Our family loves some fresh produce.  My love for fresh off the farm goodies has grown exponentially since meeting Phillip.  He and his family have introduced me to so many yummy delights.

Anyone that knows Phillip should know that his summer peach consumption is unsurpassed by any other.  His grandma knew this better than anyone.  I went out to our freezer the other day and saw all the bags of fresh peaches she put up for him last year before she passed away.  Now Phillip has a lot of "main women" in his life, but Grandma Taylor will always be special.
She loved him oh so much!  And he'd cross an ocean for her.
I don't know how to cook like her, garden like her, or write as many letter as she did, but I sure can try!  So as a tribute to her, I decided to be a good housewife and try my hand at peach cobbler.  I bought fresh peaches and went to work!

I decided to use my mama's recipe.  Right after my surgery she was doing everything she could to keep our house stocked with food so I wouldn't have to lift a finger (thank you again, Mama).  She made a super yummy strawberry cobbler.  I am ashamed to say this, but I don't remember ever having cobbler before that moment.  How non-Southern of me! 

Anyway with little guy in the house demanding much of my time, my cooking has pretty much consisted of Crock Pot goodness and casserole delights.  Cobblers are right up my alley!  I decided to add a little pizzazz of my own and throw in some yummy blueberries.  Peaches and blueberries taste good together outside of a cobbler, so why not try them inside!
Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.  I know it's not Grandma Taylor's, but I sure hope I am making her proud.  Lord knows I wouldn't have the patience to peel and put up peaches for Phillip like she did, but I gotta start somewhere!

Now, I blame Aunt Diane for this one.  She has developed in me a love for many things previously undiscovered by my taste buds: stewed squash, boiled peanuts, Kaluha cake, etc.  When Emory and I got into town this past Friday I was starving.  She asked if I wanted a BLT.  This is yet another thing I had previously refused to consume.  However, trusting the track record she and I have going on I decided to give it a whirl.  Oh my gracious, I literally died and went to heaven!  If I ever have to visit a cardiologist unexpectedly, please just send him/her to this post.  It will explain everything.  I have probably had 6 or 7 BLT sandwiches in the past 2 weeks.  I know, horrible BUT SO GOOD (and easy to make with one hand)!
I mean seriously?!  It ain't pretty, but it is to die for!
My body totally doesn't handle food as well as it did prior to my gallbladder surgery, so boring foods are pretty much a staple.  It's so nice to find something new to enjoy.

P.S. - You know it's a great 4th of July weekend when you break a nail cracking open boiled peanuts.  :-)

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