Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rainy Creativity

During the week I spend a couple of hours nannying for a few hours.  I was due to take Taylor, the two year old, to her swim lessons.  Her instructor was due to meet us at her grandparents' house just a few minutes away.  So we pile in the stroller and I hike on up the hill. 

We get there, she is ready to go, and the instructor begins the lesson.  Her mom had looked at the weather before we left the house, the storms were still a good ways off...or so we thought.  Less than 10 minutes into the lesson we see a flash of lightning.  OUT we go!  The instructor almost immediately leaves.  I can't carry a sopping wet two year old on a 15 minute stroller ride, so I dry her off and put some clean clothes on.  No sooner did we get this accomplished than the bottom decided to drop out.  Like raining cats and dogs...and even some bunnies. 

So we seek shelter under one of the breezeway arches.  I had brought my lunch of an apple and pretzels.  I also brought Taylor's drink for the ride home.  I called her mom (who was just around the corner at the grocery store) and asked her to stop by and pick us up on the way home.  She said she was halfway through.  I said, "No biggie.  We're just hanging out!"  So I break out the pretzels and her drink.  This buys me approximately 20 minutes.  That's pretty good with a 2 year old. 

We grow bored with that, her mom calls and says she is stuck in the grocery store (there is also a newborn in this household) because she doesn't want to take the baby out to the car in the rain.  Understandable, we're having fun anyway.  We began a chorus of "Rain Rain Go Away" (despite needing it around here...I secretly apologized while singing this one), "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", etc.  We made a "rain guard wall" out of pool noodles.  This did nothing but get us soaking wet.  We caught raindrops from the ivy.  We twirled in the rain like helicopters.  Last, but not least, we used a broom and water from a puddle to write our letters on the stone pavers under the breezeway. 

It's amazing what you can come up with when forced to get creative.  I'd live that day over again anytime!

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