Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday Excursions

Phillip's work schedule has him settling into a new sleeping pattern.  One that leaves us with limited time to do things together.  He gets home every morning around 5:30, so he sleeps from 7ish to early/mid afternoon.

The same was true on Saturday.  I grow bored easily, so I called my parents to see if they were up to anything.  I really had an itch for fresh veggies.  So I asked if they wanted to go to McLeod Farms with us.  I ran and woke Phillip from his slumber.

We left and headed on down to SC.  We had a great lunch/dinner at a local restaurant.  We toured the museum down there.  It would be heaven for the American Pickers (we are addicted to all of the dorky shows on the History Channel).  We bought a half bushel of peaches, squash, cucumbers, and fresh blackberries.  Oh how I love summer!

My mom asked if we wanted to go to Santee.  Now, Santee is no where near McLeod Farms.  So we headed out across the middle of nowhere.  Now, I love South Carolina.  I do not like their RIDICULOUS drivers and road construction.  We passed a sign that said, "Road Construction Next 22 Miles = 25 mph."  WHAT?!  Are you kidding me?  Twenty some odd miles at 25 miles an hour.  I am sure people on the Oregon Trail got to go faster (I know my little buffalo in elementary school scurried across the screen faster than 25 mph). 

FINALLY, two and a half hours later we made it to the lake, looked around, got bitten by the state bird of South Carolina (mosquitoes), and experienced the smell of catfish.  Then headed home.  All of that fuss for not much of anything.  It was nice to spend time with my parents.  We definitely all laughed a lot...a whole lot.

Sorry - no pics.  I left the house in a rush and forgot our camera.

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