Sunday, September 18, 2011

5 Months Old

I realize that I didn't update the blog to include Emory's 4 month stats.  His doctor's appointment had to be rescheduled, so we didn't actually make it in until he was 4.5 months.  Regardless the doctor was able to confirm that we do indeed have a very long, very skinny baby.  Emory measured 27 inches (95th percentile) and weighed in at 14 pounds 11 ounces (50th percentile).  (This means clothing is impossible.)  We got a few more shots and called it a day.  He is a completely healthy, happy baby.  We are so blessed!

Here are some pictures from the 16th of this month:

It also happened to be the first really cool day marking the onset of fall!
Lately, Little Man and his feet are the best of friends.  I covered them up.  He was none too pleased.
This kid's faces crack me up. 
Emory has been on a teething streak lately.  He now reaches for us, laughs at conversations and noises, and LOVES watching football with Daddy.  Mommy is quickly realizing she's swimming in a sea of testosterone, but this little guy makes it all worth every second.  Plus, Emory loves to sing with me.  Every morning after he eats we spend at least 30 minutes singing and talking about the adventures he went on in his dreams the night before.  He doesn't care that I sing off key, so I don't mine serenading him with expansive arsenal of the best children's songs (such as Drop It Low by Will.I.Am). 

Wine isn't the only thing that gets better with age...SO DOES EMORY!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love those outfits! I have a few for Connor that he hopefully will grow into. I'm already having issues with pants. He literally kicked a pair of newborn sized pants off this morning.