Thursday, September 1, 2011

Morning at My "Office"

I've often wondered why it's said that you should find a job that you love and you'll never work another day in your life.  I now know why...

(Pardon the poor video quality, I grabbed my camera instead of our video camera when I heard him over the monitor this morning.)

Morning at our "Office" from Kristin Harris on Vimeo.

Like every job, being a stay-at-home mom has its challenging moments.  However, there is not one second of my life that I would trade for the most prestigious job in the world.  There are moments (ok, let's be honest here, days) when my house is not spotless, laundry needs to be folded, and meals need to get cooked.  But as I was packing up some of Emory's newborn and 3 month clothes and supplies this week, I realized how very quickly these days fly by.  I am SO incredibly blessed to get to witness them all first hand.  I was there for the first slobbery kiss, first smile, and the first time he reached for someone.  I will (hopefully) be there to see the first step, the first word, and so many other milestones.  Not everyone has the ability to witness these events in their child's life.  I do!  How amazing is that?!

I'm still working on being able to leave him.  Phillip has spent several hours solo with him lately, but I love being there to see it all.  I don't care if it's not all smiles.  I love being the one to hold him when he's sleepy, or feed him (and subsequently get it ALL OVER ME), or wipe his little tears when he's sad.  I wouldn't trade one minute of it.  I've never been happier than I am at this moment in my life.  It could just be our family, but having a baby has exponentially increased our delight in the every day, the strength and love in our marriage, and the joy in our life. 

I have to say a big "thank you" to the man that makes this life possible for us.  Emory loves his daddy! 

1 comment:

Renn said...

I agree that first thing in the morning smile in the crib is the BEST! love you friend.