Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meeting Olivia

This past weekend, Phillip and I loaded Emory into the car and headed to Raleigh.  Yes, Emory met the Triangle area!  I hope to take him to my alma mater, Meredith College, the next time we are up.  I know he's a boy, but it's important to me that he sees the place that shaped so much of who his mama is today.

My friend, Jenni, had her baby July 21st.  I've been so excited to meet this little one.  She makes me miss Emory being so little.  She is also SUCH a good sleeper.  Lord knows, I love me some Little Man, but for some reason I have a child that detests his car seat.  He refuses to sleep anywhere other than his crib or pack 'n play.  Saturday, I left Emory with Phillip while Jenni and I went out with Olivia.  Guess who slept the entire time?  Yup, Miss Fabulous!  She's a social butterfly too.  Smiles all the time.  Love it!
LOVE that smile!
Such a precious little face.
She does what my son refuses to do: cuddle.
We had great conversations.  Can't you tell?
Clemson played on Saturday, so Phillip wanted to watch the game.  Emory was more than happy to have Daddy time!  Jenni even dressed Olivia in her finest orange for the day, although she herself is a diehard Wolfpack fan.  Talk about a gracious hostess!  ;-)
I tell Phillip to smile and this is what I get.  Olivia was trying to show him how it's done.
Yes, my child is wearing overalls...without a shirt.  Just count yourself lucky that he's not naked (as it is his preferred wardrobe staple as of late).
I'm not sure what is going on here with Emory, but I laughed like crazy when I saw this picture.  He either REALLY wants my wine or he REALLY wants me to not have it. 
We had so much fun hanging out with precious little Olivia!  We can't wait to see her again!  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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