Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Project 31 During October

 I was catching up on a blog that I LOVE to follow.  She challenged her readers to complete Project 31.  Obviously the premise of this venture is based on Proverbs 31.
I have always found myself, like most other women, wanting to have give this infamous woman a stern tongue lashing for setting the bar so daggum high.  Somewhere between this Proverbs 31 lady and June Cleaver, I find myself wanting to throw in the towel (and secretly hoping I hit them with it in the process).

So, dear readers, I'll propose the same challenge to you.  Why not take a stab at Project 31 with me?  Starting October 1st, I will be posting daily following the criteria below:
Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2.  What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4.  Style 31.  Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5.  Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6.  Jaded beauty.  Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7.  Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8.  Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)?  Share, please!
Day 9.  What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10.  What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11.  Post a recipe.  Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12.  Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13.  Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14.  Style 31.  Post an outfit pic!
Day 15.  Write to encourage a friend.  Inspire her beauty.
Day 16.  Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life.  Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17.  Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18.  Describe your personality.
Day 19.  Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20.  Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.  
Day 21.  Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22.  What are some needs that need to be met in your community?  Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?
Day 24.  What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25.  Style 31.  Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26.  What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27.  Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28.  Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29.  Write about "a day in the life of me."  (Pics are great!)
Day 30.  Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31.  Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!

I hope you enjoy the next month of posts.  I'll continue with our regular posts, but I hope to be REAL and edifying to other women.  You don't have to begin on the first of October, but I am still suffering from preggo/new mommy brain so I know I won't keep up with the days unless I begin with the number 1.  :-)  Won't you join me?

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