Thursday, September 29, 2011

Taking a Stand

Poor Emory was so exhausted today, but not feeling the nap thing.  So after a complete meltdown I pulled out my trusty "always go outside" card.  I thought a quick walk would work.  Normally, we take Mason on a walk with us.  However, I didn't feel like playing tug of war with him for 5 minutes just to enjoy the last 25 minutes of the walk, so I left him at home.  He decided to let me know what he thought about my kind gesture.

Mason is never ever bad, but why'd it have to be the toilet paper?
The one good thing I can say about this is that I didn't have to clean up the paper.  What you see is all that's left.  That's right.  Mason ATE the rest of the roll.
Oh well!  Emory fell asleep IN HIS STROLLER during the walk.  This is a complete miracle.  This child refuses to sleep anywhere but his crib.  Granted as soon as I stopped he woke up, but still!  A little progress is progress nonetheless, so I'll take it!

Hope you are enjoying your day!

P.S. - I don't think I can adequately relay my depth of excitement for this weekend's cold weather.  Did someone say a low of 40?  I'm breaking out my blanket, book, and apple cider!  Happy Fall!

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