Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our Busy, Lazy Weekend

It's funny how fast things change.  One day you come home with this tiny little jaundiced baby and the next day you have a lanky little boy cackling beside you in his car seat as you are driving down the road.  I have to say this age is awesome.  Emory really is coming into that fun stage where he is starting to interact a lot.

Emory has been smiling at us for a while.  He even gave me the occasional squeal, but on the way home from church this past Sunday he did it.  HE MADE MY LIFE!  I was in the back seat making kissing noises at him when all of the sudden a laughter of sheer delight came out of his precious little body.  I try to catch everything on camera.  EVERYTHING!  I was so sad that I missed this.  I don't think my mind's eye will soon forget though.  Hopefully, I will catch him again soon. 
Happy little buddy AFTER church.  This was not the case during Sunday school.
Sunday was a big day for our little guy.  He's tried holding his bottle before, but it never really lasted.  Granted, he is a breastfed baby so it's not like he gets a lot of practice.  Phillip and I were working in the yard after lunch, so he got a bottle from Daddy while I finished planting some flowers.  Check this out:
I always thought it was so weird when parents got excited about the tiny stuff.  I totally understand why now.  Ever since this day, he takes bottles all by himself with no problems!  Score 1 for the home team!
Phillip and I bought this reel mower from Lowe's the other week and we LOVE it.  I don't mow grass, mainly because I am scared of motorized blades.  I'm clumsy enough so factoring in sharp blades that are propelled by a motor with me operating the machine = ONE BIG, FAT, BAD IDEA!  This is awesome though.  I've gotten out and mowed twice already just for the heck of it.  Great workout too!  Here's the outcome from this weekend.  Since I missed my spring sprucing up thanks to being sick during pregnancy, having Emory, following that up with the surgery, I decided our yard deserved some TLC for the fall!
Not too shabby for one afternoon's work!
We must give a big fat shout out to Clemson for their win over Auburn this past weekend.  Emory was kind of under the weather this weekend, but we're not sure why.  A little fever and a LOT of sleeping.  Saturday we hunkered down in the house for the game and some rest. 
Daddy had to learn how to cheer on his team quietly while holding a feverish baby.
Emory was dressed for the occasion even if he slept through the game.
Emory also visited his Maw-Maw (my mom's mom).  We went last Friday when it was chilly.  We had a great trip down without any crying (trust me, this is quite the accomplishment for our child)!  She played the piano for him and brought out a few toys I played with when I was a baby.  It was so cute to watch him play with things I remember so well from my childhood.
Lastly, Mommy is trying to convince Emory that reading is more fun than watching football (seriously, he will watch a game with Phillip...ALREADY).  So we've been practicing our reading skills a lot lately.  Heavens help my broken heart if my child doesn't like books as much as I do!
Sorry this post is a little scattered.  Hope you enjoyed catching up with us!!!  What did you do this weekend?

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