Sunday, October 23, 2011

Project 31: Day 22

Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.

I'm really excited about this prompt.  Some of you know that a few months ago I reached out to many friends in the area.  I've felt the Lord tugging at my heart for a while about starting a Bible study.  I have to say that it was quite a leap.  It's intimidating putting yourself out there like that.  I was shocked at how many people jumped at the opportunity to join the study...and bring friends.  We have so much fun meeting.

Aside from the obvious purpose of the Bible study, I really felt compelled to make the group about giving back as well.  We all know that the economy is bad, but I think everyone sacrificing a little can add up to a BIG difference.  I didn't want it to be all about organizations I wanted to support.  I think people have different passions for a reason.  Therefore, at each meeting a different individual is responsible for coming up with our outreach project.

Our first meeting I chose to suggest Christmas cards for kids awaiting sponsorship through Compassion International.  At our second meeting another one of our ladies (you can check out her blog here) wanted our group to donate needed items to Matthews HELP Center.  It was great.  All of us brought 5 or more items.  Do the math!  I'm still waiting to find out about our next project, but we're also due to help Turning Point in November.  This is one of my favorite aspects of our new Bible study. 

Also, I just have to throw this in, I picked up the labels today for Operation Christmas Child.  This is something I want to do with Emory every single year.  He might not understand it this year or in the coming few, but I want him to grow up knowing that despite our inability to give him everything he WANTS, we give him everything he NEEDS and so much more.

How are you helping those around you?

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