Monday, October 24, 2011

Project 31: Day 24

Day 24:What is Jesus teaching you presently?

TRUST!  You see, I have an issue with trust.  I don't trust anyone.  Ever.  It's sad, but true.  I always expect the worst out of a person.  I suppose, in a way, that it's a defense mechanism.  If you always expect to be disappointed or let down then a person can't truly hurt you.  Makes perfect sense (or at least it does to me)!

Lately, I'm learning that the key to a relationship with Christ is trust.  I THINK that I know what's best for my life, but He KNOWS with utter certainty what I need.  Sometimes I may need to experience pain to see the light on the other side.

I know last week I had my meltdown over Emory's lack of development, but at the end of the day I looked at how far God has brought our family.  From infertility, through years on drugs, through a horrible pregnancy, and into this blessed thing called parenthood.  If He can do all that then surely gaining a few pounds is the least of my worries.  So I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started feeding that baby.  Maybe it's not what I want to feed him, but I'm sure there is a lesson behind all of this.  I just have to TRUST!

What are you learning in your walk with Christ?

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